Call for Abstract

Abstract Submission Closed April 30th 2024

The 11th International Congress of the Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control will be held in cultural and historical Jakarta, Indonesia on July 25th – 28th , 2024. We invite all of you to submit your abstract of paper on experimental, difficult case, rare disease, or research in the impact of COVID-19 on Infection Prevention and Control field. The abstract can be submitted before April 30th, 2024. Please follow the instruction for submitting the abstract below.

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Please read the full submission guidelines carefully before submitting.

  • Abstracts may be submitted for poster and oral presentation only.
  • Abstracts must be submitted online via the Congress website
  • Abstracts submitted by fax, email, or post will NOT be accepted.
  • Abstracts must be submitted on or before 30th April 2024. The online submission system will close at midnight GMT on this day.
  • Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
  • Previous abstract submitters/submissions will not be accepted.

  • Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI’s)

• Surveilance • Device associated infection • Surgical site infection

  • Emerging and re-emerging infectious disease in the healthcare setting

• Outbreak • Covid-19

  • IPC in special setting

• Endoscopy • Hemodyalisis • Laboratorium

  • Multidrug Resistant Organisms (MDRO)

• Antimicrobial stewardship

  • Innovation on IPC

• Digitalisasi • Application

  • Fundamentals of care and infection prevention

• Hand hygiene • Environmental hygiene • Sterilization and disinfection • Waste management • Vaccine

  • Others

  • After submitting your abstract, you will receive an email confirmation that your abstract has been received.
  • Please contact the Secretariat if you submitted an abstract and do not receive an email confirmation.
  • Notifications regarding status of your abstract will be sent out by 30th April 2024.
  • Presentations whose abstracts are accepted are required to register as APSIC participants in 2024 no later than May 31th, 2024 at 23.59 WIB

  • Instructions for preparation of poster presentations will be sent together with acceptance notifications.
  • The Committee will endeavour to schedule abstracts according to authors’ preferences but reserves the right to decide on the final form of presentation
  • For each abstract, at least one author is expected to attend the Congress. Presenting authors must register for the Congress and pay the registration fee.
  • Abstract presenters need to register by registration deadline for inclusion inthe Congress programme and for presentation scheduling

  • The abstract should be as informative as possible and include the following details:
    1. Objectives: background and specific objective of the study
    2. Methods: description of methods used
    3. Results: summary of results obtained
    4. Conclusions: conclusions reached
  • Abstracts must meet the following specifications:
    1. Abstract title- Limited to 25 words
    2. Abstract text- Limited to 300 words
    3. Abstract topic- Abstracts must be allocated to a specific topic from the Scientific Programme.
  • Please note that no graphs, images or tables should be included in your abstract.
  • Use only standard abbreviations. Special or unusual abbreviations are not recommended. If otherwise necessary, the latter should be placed in parenthesis after the first appearance of the full word.
  • All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication. If you need help, please arrange for the review of your abstract by a colleague who is a native English speaker, by a university scientific publication office (or other similar facility) or by a copy editor, prior to submission.
  • The submission form at the link at the top of this page allows you to store your abstract as a draft in order to make changes. Please note that abstracts must be SUBMITTED before the deadline in order to be sent to review for inclusion in the Scientific Programme.
  • Preparing your e-poster presentation using template ;

Please take note of the following terms:
  • Submitted Abstract cannot be modified or corrected after final submission. Accepted abstracts will be published exactly as submitted. Please ensure all information is correct at the point of submission.
  • Submission of the abstract constitutes you and your co-authors’ consent to publication (e.g. Congress website, programmes, other promotions, etc.)
  • The Abstract Submitter warrants and represents that he/she is the owner or has the rights of all the information and content (“Content”) provided to APSIC 2024. The publication of the abstract does not infringe any third party rights including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights.
  • The Abstract Submitter grants the Organisers a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, publish, translate, distribute, and display the Content.
  • The Organisers reserve the right to remove any publication of an abstract which does not comply with the above.
  • The Abstract Submitter is responsible for informing the other co-authors regarding the abstract status.
More Information : abstract.apsic2024@gmail.comENQUIRIESCimandiri One Building, 4th Floor Unit 405, Jl. Cimandiri No. 1, Cikini, Central Jakarta 10330 E-mail:
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Title: bolded, 12-point Times New Roman, centered

Presenting author name, other co-author’s names: bolded, 11-point Times New Roman, centered

Affiliation including department and/or program: bolded, 11-point Times New Roman, centered, 1.5 spaced


Introduction: Describe the context of the case and explain its relevance and importance. Describe whether the case is unique. If not, does the case have an unusual diagnosis, prognosis, therapy or harm?

Do not include acronyms, bullets, or lists in the abstract. It should be single-spaced in 11-point Times New Roman. Please Replace these instructions with the text of your abstract. Make sure your page size is set to U.S. letter, 8.5″ × 11″. Page margins are set to be one inch on all sides.

The content of the abstract will be the basis for acceptance of the paper presentation at the research day. The abstracts will be peer reviewed and authors will be informed about acceptance for presentation via email. Be sure to adhere to the word limitation for the abstract (300 words). The entire abstract submission should fit in One page.

Case Presentation: Report the case, describe the history, examination, and investigations adequately. Is the cause of the patient’s illness clear-cut? What are other plausible explanations?

Describe the treatments adequately…

Discussion: Discuss rationale for decisions that were made and the lesson from the case. The abstract should close with a statement of the project’s implications and contributions to its field. It should convince readers that the project is interesting, valuable, and worth investigating further.

We recommend that you download these directions as a MS Word document and use it as the template for your abstract as it contains all necessary formats and styles.

Figure: Figures are accepted and must not exceed 2 inches high (192 pixel), Top and Bottom wrapped. If you are including graphs, tables, or photos, they must be imported into this file.

Keywords: This section consists of three to six keywords/phrases representing the main content of the article. It is important for indexing the manuscript and easy online retrieval. It is written in English, alphabetical order (10-point font), and gives commas between words/phrases.

  • Acknowledgments: If your project was supported with internal or external funding, you are strongly encouraged to cite the funding source and/or provide an acknowledgment.
  • References: Use a brief numbered style, e.g., [1], [2]. References should appear in numerical order in the reference list:
  • [1] Author A. B. and Author C. D. (2021) Med, 90, 1151–1154. [2] Author E. F. et al. (2022) Sci., 32, A74.

Please ensure that you have read and understood the Abstract Submission Guideline prior to submitting your abstract. Submissions that do not meet the guidelines cannot be considered for review.

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